A Little History About LSK Automotive

As a child I've always loved cars/trucks and wanted to know everything about an engine and how it works. My dream was to one day own my own automotive business. I took many wrong turns in life but I never gave up. I set a goal for myself and on October 1st 2023 Mike and Laura of Roxbury Automotive sold me their 30 year long business. I turned my dreams into reality. I can't thank them enough for their support and helping me with this achievement. I also couldn't have done it without the loyal friends and family who stuck by my side throughout this journey in my life. I don't want to make millions of dollars, I don't need to be rich, I have a passion for cars and want to give my customers the most honest and thorough repairs necessary. LSK Automotive is more than just another repair shop, it's a Family.

"Formerly Roxbury Automotive"

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Open 8am - 5pm│Monday - Friday

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